Water conservation begins right at the tap. During the month of April, Water Conservation Month is observed, and the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) urges Floridians to keep their water usage in check.
“Typically, March, April and May have the lowest rainfall amounts in Florida,” said PSC Chairman Julie Brown. “Since the highest water savings can occur during outdoor use, we recommend making conservation a natural habit when watering your yard.”
Nationwide, according to the EPA, landscape irrigation is estimated to account for nearly one-third (1/3) of all residential water use, totaling nearly 9 billion gallons per day.
The PSC offers these outdoor water saving tips for your use this spring:
- Check your irrigation system for clogged, broken or missing sprinkler heads.
- Don’t water the driveway, house or sidewalk instead of your yard! Redirect sprinklers to apply water only to your landscape.
- Skip watering a landscape if it’s raining, just rained or if your landscape doesn’t need the water.
- Only water on designated days, particularly if your city/county has water restrictions, and make sure your irrigation timers are set accordingly.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and many local governments participate in statewide water conservation efforts through the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association’s Water Use Efficiency Division (WUED). The WUED works with the Governor and Cabinet each year to officially proclaim April as Water Conservation Month.
Need more tips on how to save water during Water Conservation Month? The PSC’s Drop by Drop brochure offers water saving tips for both inside and outside your home. The PSC’s consumer tip on xeriscaping can help you get started on a worry-free landscape.
For additional information, visit www.floridapsc.com.
Follow the PSC on Twitter, @floridapsc.