“FHCA is extremely disappointed with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), which today chose to use the media as a vehicle to release unfavorable information about nursing homes that are in fact working to comply with the Governor’s Emergency Power Plan Rule. Several facilities on the list not only submitted their documentation, but those variance requests have also been published on the AHCA website since October 16. The agency appears to have made no attempt to contact facilities in advance to verify the accuracy of this ill-conceived list before releasing it to the public.
FHCA has consistently stated its willingness to work with the agency to strengthen the emergency procedures in nursing centers and assisted living facilities in order to ensure that residents are safe during disasters. It appears AHCA is more interested in generating news stories than in gathering facts and arriving at a place of consensus to will ensure that nursing homes meet the Governor’s mandate, despite its unrealistic timeline. Despite this disappointment, we remain committed to working with the Governor and his administration to adopt workable procedures to protect the well-being of those entrusted to our care.”