Danny Kushmer, candidate for the open Florida Congressional District 15 seat, is honored to announce the endorsement of his campaign by Bartow Commissioner Trish Pfeiffer.
Trish Pfeiffer, elected to the Bartow City Commission in 2014 in an at-large seat, has endorsed Danny Kushmer in his campaign for Florida Congressional District 15. Pfeiffer, “I am proud to support Danny Kushmer. Danny and I attended Leadership Bartow together and over the past twelve years we have worked on many issues important to the City of Bartow and Polk County. I am proud to give him my support as I believe he will serve the best interests of our community and local governments in Washington D.C.
Kushmer, a third generation Floridian from Southeastern Hillsborough County, is honored to have the support and endorsement of Commissioner Pfeiffer. He commented, “As I step into this race for Congress I am honored to have the support of Trish Pfeiffer. I truly appreciate her endorsement, which is a testament to the work I have done in the community. I look forward to working in Congress to insure local government can do the work they need without duplicative and unnecessary interference from Washington.”
Kushmer is a Conservative Republican residing in Brandon with his wife Cally, three rescue dogs and a cat. They are the proud parents of four grown children. Kushmer looks forward to working toward a balanced budget, expanded mental health care coverage and term limits. He has pledged to serve only eight years when elected. For more information visit DannyKushmer.com.