In advance of Election Day, the League of Women Voters of Florida has begun distribution of its 2018 Nonpartisan Voter Guide to help Florida voters make informed decisions prior to casting their ballot.
The guide explains what voting Yes or No would accomplish for each of the 12 ballot amendments, allowing voters to obtain the facts they need to make an informed decision. The guide also includes a questionnaire section in which the candidates for Governor, Attorney General, Chief Financial Officer, and Commissioner of Agriculture answer a series of questions developed by the League.
“Our most frequently asked question is, ‘What exactly do all of these amendments on the ballot do?’ ” says League of Women Voters of Florida President Patricia Brigham. “Our 2018 Voter Guide provides the straightforward information voters are looking for, and gives Florida voters the opportunity to educate themselves on the amendments that will appear on their ballot in November.”
A Spanish language edition of the Voter Guide will also be distributed.
The League encourages voters to visit to get more information on the November election and to view a personalized online voter guide featuring local candidates on their ballot, powered by the VOTE411 platform.