On Thursday, March 14th at 11:00 AM, State Senator Dennis Baxley, State Representative Mike Hill, and co-sponsors from both chambers of the Fetal Heartbeat Legislation will participate in a press conference with the leadership of Florida Right to Life on the 4th floor of the State Capitol.
“The radical leftist movement of approving infanticide as a birth control measure has reached a crisis point in our nation’s history” said State Senator Dennis Baxley. “The Fetal Heartbeat Bill and our effort in the Florida Legislature to protect life at every stage is needed like never before. I will look forward to standing with the leadership of Florida Right to Life as we share in the urgency of this action.”
Members of Florida Right to Life from all corners of Florida will be in the State Capitol on Thursday for Right to Life Day.
More details on the event are forthcoming.
ON THE WEB: www.dennisbaxley.com