U.S. Congressman Brian Mast (FL-18) released the following statement:
“I think it’s clear that this has been about anti-Trump politics since the beginning, but Congressional Republicans never obstructed the Mueller investigation because there’s no reason to run or hide from the truth. I’ve always said that if we seek out truth and embrace it then Americans can know that we all play by the same set of rules. Now, it’s time for Democrats in Congress to embrace the truth, as Robert Mueller has concluded after 2 years and tens of millions of dollars, that there was no collusion with Russia and look into how the FBI concocted a multi-million dollar investigation largely based on an unverified dossier of fake intelligence. More than anything, it’s time for Democrats in Congress to stop the partisan obstruction, set aside the one-sided Congressional witch hunts and finally govern in a bipartisan way that puts people before politics.”