On March 27, the Florida Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice together with Catholics for Choice will speak out against pending bills that would ban abortion in Florida as early as six weeks and require additional parental involvement in young people’s access to abortion.
Rev. Bryan Fulwider
Rev. David Judd
Gaby Garcia-Vera
Kate Lannamann
Anna Eskamani
What: The Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice and Catholics for Choice will speak out in favor of reproductive health and rights including access to safe, legal abortion care free of stigma or shame. The groups will also voice their opposition to proposed legislation that would mandate additional parental involvement in young people’s access to abortion, which we know further places healthcare decision making outside of the hands of those who need it. These faith-based groups will let policymakers know that there is no single, unified “religious” voice in Florida and that people of faith recognize and respect this pluralism, expecting their lawmakers to do the same by ensuring that no one view point of religion be used in creating laws that disproportionally impact all Floridians. We will not stand for more restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare when expanded access to all forms of healthcare is needed, including reproductive healthcare.
When: March 27, 2019, 1 P.M.
Where: Rotunda of Old Capitol
About the Faith Based Groups
The Florida Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice is a grassroots group of clergy, faith leaders and lay people committed to supporting and advancing reproductive health, rights and justice for all Florida residents. Together, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all persons and the constitutional guarantee of religious liberty. We believe that each person deserves the freedom to make reproductive healthcare decisions in accordance with their own conscience and faith beliefs, without shame or stigma.
Catholics for Choice (CFC) was founded in 1973 to serve as a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health.