Unanimous Caucus vote taken against SB 168
As fears grow within the immigrant community in Florida over legislation sponsored by Republican lawmakers which threatens to turn over to ICE anyone in local government custody for any reason, the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus on Wednesday unanimously reaffirmed their opposition to SB 168, the so-called “sanctuary cities” bill.
“We opposed this bill at its first hearing. And we will continue to oppose this bill as it moves through the process,” said Senate Democratic Leader Audrey Gibson (D-Jacksonville), following an emergency meeting during the Senate Floor session today to take a Caucus position in opposition to SB 168. “The vote of the Caucus signals our unwavering commitment to the protection of immigrants in this state, and a repudiation of the scapegoating of immigrants in this country.”
Senators Annette Taddeo and Jose Javier Rodriguez, both of Miami, agreed. “The Senate Democratic Caucus stands in unanimous opposition to this anti-immigrant legislation being pushed by the governor and certain lawmakers,” they said. “We stand with our local governments and law enforcement agencies who see this for what it is. And we call on our colleagues to focus on real problems that impact Floridians’ lives, not some phantom issue designed solely to sow fear and placate a political base.”