State Senator Bobby Powell, Jr. (D-West Palm Beach) received one of the 2019 Legislator of the Year awards from the Florida Parent Teacher Association (PTA) on Friday, July 19 at their annual Leadership Convention.
“I want to thank the Florida PTA for the recognition and for their consistent advocacy on behalf of our children and youth,” said Senator Powell. “We have a long way to go, but together, we will continue to move the needle in the right direction, so that we can better protect our most valuable and vulnerable resource – our children.”
The Legislator of the Year award recognizes outstanding legislators who have helped to secure adequate laws for the education, care, and protection of children and youth, thus making Florida a better place to live and educate our children.
This past legislative session, Senator Powell passed legislation repealing the mandatory direct filing of children into the adult court system as well as legislation encouraging schools to use a standardized suicide screening instrument through the voluntary “Suicide Prevention Certified Schools” program.