Florida Lineworker Appreciation Day is today, August 26, and the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) is celebrating lineworkers, and the hard work they do every day to keep the lights on in Florida.
“Our communities rely on safe, reliable electrical power, and the PSC honors the lineworkers who make it happen. . . the men and women who keep our lights, A/C, appliances, and electronics humming,” said PSC Chairman Art Graham. “Lineworkers put their lives on the line every day, so we can enjoy the comforts of our homes.”
Florida’s lineworkers are highly skilled professionals, trained to work safely and efficiently during high winds, rain, or other inclement conditions. When needed, they selflessly leave their families to travel to other parts of the country to help restore power to homes and businesses struggling after a storm.
Even when there is no storm or hurricane, lineworkers toil daily with high voltage electric lines as they dangle high above the ground in harnesses to keep the lights on. Collectively, lineworkers maintain the nation’s more than 5.5 million miles of local distribution lines.
In 2012, the Florida House of Representatives created Lineworker Appreciation Day, honoring the thousands of workers risking their lives daily to ensure delivery of reliable electric service throughout the state.
Follow @floridapsc to #ThankALineman on this special day of gratitude and recognition.
For additional information, visit floridapsc.com.
Follow the PSC on Twitter, @floridapsc.