The League of Women Voters of Florida is urging Gov. Ron DeSantis to appropriate needed funds for the 2020 Census.
Census data, collected every 10 years, provides the basis for drawing voting districts, allows businesses to determine operations, and municipalities to plan and build for sustainability.
“The importance of the count cannot be under-estimated. Federal dollars are distributed to states based on these numbers,” said League President Patti Brigham in the letter sent earlier this week. The letter also asks for a “complete count” state committee be formed to ensure accurate calculations.
For the first time, Floridians will be asked to use digital and phone responses to census questions.
“Education is key to accurate data, especially among rural and under-served communities” said Brigham. “State funding will assist counties and cities in designing accessible methods that will ensure all populations are included.”
Click here to read the full letter to Gov. DeSantis.