Information-Sharing Agreement Will Reduce Voter Fraud, Improve Customer
Service, and Reduce Administrative Costs for Supervisors of Elections
Governor Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel Lee today announced that Florida has been accepted for membership, along with 29 other members, into the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a multi-state partnership that uses a sophisticated data-matching tool to enhance the accuracy of voter registration systems.
“My administration is committed to protecting the integrity of Florida’s voter rolls and preventing election fraud,” said Governor DeSantis. “As a member of ERIC, Florida is now equipped with more tools to further ensure accurate voter rolls, make voting easier and reduce costs to taxpayers.”
Through ERIC, member states can share information from voter registration systems, motor vehicle databases, social security death records, and U.S. Post Office records. This data-sharing agreement will help identify voters who have moved to another state, passed away, or changed their name in Florida.
In addition to enhancing the accuracy of voter rolls, ERIC also improves voter registration by providing information for member states to contact potentially eligible but unregistered voters with instructions on how to register to vote. Prior to the 2020 general election, Florida will spend $1.3 million to contact potentially eligible voter who are not registered to vote. This outreach is conducted every two years ahead of federal general elections.
“I have heard strong support for joining ERIC from supervisors of elections all over Florida, and I am excited to provide them with one more tool to serve voters in Florida,” said Florida Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee. “Joining ERIC keeps Florida at the forefront of election security and will help us ensure fair and accurate election in 2020 and beyond.”
Governor DeSantis included in his 2020-2021 recommended budget to the Florida Legislature the necessary funding to move forward with joining ERIC, which includes annual dues estimated at $75,000 and an estimated $1.3 million to conduct outreach to potentially eligible but unregistered voters through a direct mailer. Florida’s full participation in ERIC prior to the 2020 elections will be contingent upon receiving funding from the Legislature.
Since taking office, Governor DeSantis has made securing Florida’s elections and protecting voter information a top priority. Through his leadership this year, Florida has made significant investments in election security and has enhanced collaboration between the Florida Department of State and Florida’s 67 local Supervisors of Elections.