On Tuesday and Wednesday, January 28-29, the Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice and Catholics for Choice will speak out in favor of reproductive health and rights—including access to safe, legal abortion care without stigma or shame. The Florida Interfaith Coalition will address their opposition to SB404, Forced Parental Consent. Catholics for Choice joins the Florida Interfaith Coalition in supporting every individual’s moral and legal right to follow their conscience in matters of reproductive health regardless of age, socioeconomic status or zip code.
Who: Florida Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice
Catholics for Choice
Rep. Anna Eskamani
Gaby Garcia-Vera
Rev. David Judd, St. Marks Presbyterian Church, Orlando
Kate Lannamann, President
What: Legislative Prayer Breakfast
When: Tuesday, January 28
8:00-10:00 am, a short program begins promptly at 8:10
Where: The Capitol, The Minority Office, Room 316
What: Press Conference
When: Wednesday, January 29
11:00-11:30 am
Where: The Capitol, House Chamber Entrance, 4th Floor
About the Faith-Based Groups
The Florida Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice is a grassroots group of clergy, faith leaders and lay people committed to supporting and advancing reproductive health, rights and justice for all Florida residents. Together, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all persons and the constitutional guarantee of religious liberty. We believe that each person deserves the freedom to make reproductive healthcare decisions in accordance with their own conscience and faith beliefs, without shame or stigma.
Founded in 1973, Catholics for Choice (CFC) is a voice for Catholics who believe that the Catholic tradition supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of reproductive health. CFC envisions a world where all women and men are trusted to make moral decisions about their lives; where the decision to start a family is thoughtful and planned; where policy makers and advocates are free to support policies that create a more just and compassionate society and where life-saving health interventions aren’t blocked by sectarian interests.