The Statewide Guardian ad Litem Program is proud that Senator Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby and Florida Senate President-designate, has made child welfare one of his legislative priorities. And we are grateful he has recorded the following public service announcement:
“Hello. I’m Senator Wilton Simpson and I want to speak with you about a very important subject.
“In the State of Florida, more than 34,000 children are involved with the courts due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. The Guardian ad Litem program is court appointed to advocate for the best interest of these children, but they need your help to give a voice to every child.
“Research shows an abused child is at greater risk for developing unhealthy relationships, school failure and involvement with the juvenile justice system.
“Research also shows that personal involvement with a stable, caring adult in that child’s life helps to significantly minimize these outcomes.
“By becoming a Guardian ad Litem volunteer advocate, you become a child’s strong, supportive voice.
“You work with our local judges and community service providers to ensure each and every child grows up in a stable, nurturing home.”
Help the Guardian ad Litem Program help our most vulnerable children. Volunteer! For more information, please visit or call 1-866-341-1425.