Responding to a request from Governor Ron DeSantis to send him the names of Floridians waiting since March for unemployment benefits they have yet to receive, Senate Democratic Leader had hand-delivered today more than 1,000 names and claimant ID numbers to the governor’s office. She issues the following statement:
“Today our Caucus delivered the names of applicants representing over 1000 Florida families and individuals that have been out of work and not received their unemployment since March. A single application could represent the support for an entire family. Many in our state live paycheck to paycheck and a disruption of income is devastating as all of us who have done food distributions, regardless of party, can attest.
“Rather than a ‘smart sheet’ or a fax suggested by DEO in a tweet on Friday, our Caucus took the people’s distress to the Governor as he requested last week. The multitude of emails and lists tells their story. We simply want to amplify their voices to “PayTheClaimsNow!”