This week, Representative Michael Grieco (D- Miami) and Senator Jason Pizzo (D- Miami) filed HB 819 / SB 1134, which would require Florida landlords to include air conditioning as a required amenity. It is a little known fact that Florida Law requires landlords to provide heat, but not A/C. This short bill adds one word which would rectify this issue.
Representative Grieco said, “I find it ironic that the State responsible for the invention of the air conditioner does not protect tenants from the heat by requiring landlords to provide A/C. When I mention to folks that Florida law requires renters have heat but not air conditioning I see looks of confusion in response. Arizona requires A/C, and Florida should too. In a world of no-brainer bills I would put this one toward the top of the pile.”
Senator Pizzo added, “It is completely reasonable for tenants to request and require A/C.”