FDLE’s Capitol Police, in partnership with Tallahassee Downtown, MADD, Tallahassee Police Department, Downtown Improvement Authority, and the Historic Capitol Museum, will host a free “trunk or treat” at the Capitol Complex in downtown Tallahassee. The event will be at the Capitol Plaza and on Adams Street starting at College Avenue.
In addition to trunk or treat, there will be food trucks, face painting, glitter tattoos, first response vehicles, safety stations, DJ music, a bounce house and more.
This event immediately precedes the Florida Historic Capitol Museum’s Movie Nights. They will be showing Disney’s Coco in the Capitol Courtyard at sundown.
For more information, visit http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CapitolPolice/TrunkOrTreat.
What: Capitol Police Trunk or Treat
When: Thursday, October 27, 2022
Time: 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Where: Capitol Complex, Tallahassee
Address: 400 S. Monroe Street
Parking: Kleman Plaza Parking Garage and State Parking Garage D