After the Florida Senate Fiscal Policy committee passed SB 256: Employee Organizations Representing Public Employees and SB 236: Civil Remedies, State Senator Victor Torres (D-Orlando) today issued the following statement:
“Today in the Senate Fiscal Policy committee we saw union members from both sides of the aisle – Republican and Democrat – come and testify to the importance of keeping their unions intact by preserving the automatic deduction of union dues. We also saw people from everyday walks of life voice their support to keep their legal right to sue negligent insurance companies. We saw Florida seniors, single moms, veterans, mom and pop shop owners. They all pick up insurance coverage for their families.
How ironic that the Republicans don’t listen to their own voters. It’s the Democrats that are standing strong to protect them. Let’s make sure that we as Democrats don’t forget these folks. Now is the time for our party to grasp those voters and tell them, “We’re here. We’re here for you. We’ll protect you. We guarantee that. Vote us in in the future elections. Don’t forget us Democrats.”