Gary F. Clark was sworn in today as a Commissioner on the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) by Judge Colby Peel, Fourteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Governor Rick Scott appointed Clark to the PSC in September to serve the remainder of a four-year term.
“I look forward to serving as Public Service Commissioner,” said Commissioner Clark, who most recently was Deputy Secretary of Land and Recreation for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). “I gained valuable experience at DEP and West Florida Electric, and my appreciation of customers and utility operations will be a good foundation as I prepare to make decisions on the many challenging issues we face.”
At DEP, he oversaw 174 state parks and trails and the Division of State Lands. In this role, he also served as chair of both the Florida Acquisition and Restoration Council and the governing board of the Florida Communities Trust.
Commissioner Clark spent the majority of his professional career at West Florida Electric, where he served as the Vice President of Member Services. During his tenure, Commissioner Clark worked in many areas of the company and led the company’s diversification efforts. He was also a member of the Association of Energy Engineers where he earned the distinction of Certified Energy Manager.
Recognized for his leadership and community service, Commissioner Clark has served in several capacities, including Washington County School Board member, Chipola College Board of Trustees, Washington County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, and the Northwest Florida Water Management District Governing Board.
Commissioner Clark is a graduate of Chipola College and the University of Phoenix and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. A lifelong resident of Washington County, he has owned and managed several small business operations in Northwest Florida.
Commissioner Clark joins Chairman Julie Brown and Commissioners Art Graham, Ronald Brisé, and Donald Polmann on the five-member panel.
For additional information, visit
Nelson files tax-relief bill to help victims of hurricanes
U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) filed legislation today to provide some much needed tax relief to individuals and small businesses hit hardest by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
One of the groups Nelson’s bill seeks to help are Florida’s citrus growers who suffered devastating losses as a result of Hurricane Irma. In fact, some experts estimate that as much as 70 percent of Florida’s citrus crop was lost due to the storm, with some growers losing as much as 90 percent of their crop.
If approved, Nelson’s bill would, among other things, allow Florida’s growers to immediately deduct post-storm clean-up costs from their taxes, including the costs associated with removing and replanting downed trees.
“Florida’s citrus growers took a devastating hit from Hurricane Irma and we need to do everything we can to help this vital part of Florida’s economy,” Nelson said.
In addition to helping Florida’s citrus growers, Nelson’s bill would help provide some relief to people in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories by extending to them some popular tax breaks already offered to taxpayers living on the mainland – including the Child Tax Credit, which provides families a federal tax credit of up to $1,000 per child.
It would also allow individuals and businesses to create tax-free savings accounts to help cover expenses incurred during future disasters.
The legislation Nelson filed today now heads to the Senate Finance Committee for consideration.
Below is a section-by-section summary of Nelson’s bill. The full text of Nelson’s legislation is available here.
Sec. 101. Allows for the immediate deduction of disaster cleanup expenses, including the cost of removing and replanting downed trees.
Sec. 102. Extends net operating loss carryback from two to three years for disaster losses.
Sec. 103. Provides an additional $500 million in New Markets Tax Credits per year for community development entities in disaster areas.
Sec. 104. Allows victims of a disaster to exclude non-business debt forgiveness from their gross income.
Sec. 105. Allows additional tax-exempt advance refunding of municipal bonds for recovery projects in disaster areas, with a cap of $2 billion for each state.
Sec. 106. Increases the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit allocation for states damaged by a disaster, based on the population of qualified disaster areas within the state, and allows disaster areas to retain applicable difficult development area designations for 2 years.
Sec. 201. Excludes State and local government disaster mitigation payments from taxable income.
Sec. 202. Allows taxpayers to create tax-exempt catastrophe savings accounts to pay expenses related to a major disaster. The account balances are capped at (1) $75,000 (for individuals with homeowner insurance deductibles of not more than $1,000); and (2) $150,000 (for individuals with deductibles of more than $1,000). The accounts can also receive tax-free reimbursements from insurance companies.
Sec. 301. Permanently extends the full cover over program for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, a portion of which expired in 2016. The cover over program provides a remittance to Puerto Rico and USVI for excise taxes on rum shipped to the mainland.
Sec. 302. Permanently extends the deduction for domestic manufacturing in Puerto Rico, which expired in 2016.
Sec. 303. Makes the Child Tax Credit available to families in U.S. territories—including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands—in the same way it is for mainland families.
Sec. 401. Allows U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories to benefit from some of the tax relief in the bill.
Ballard Partners and Alber & Geiger Announce International Strategic Alliance
Ballard Partners, a leading Florida-based government affairs firm, proudly announced an international strategic alliance with Alber & Geiger, a political lobbying powerhouse in the European Union, in efforts to leverage both firms’ governmental expertise in their respective countries.
“Ballard Partners and Alber & Geiger share an unwavering dedication to the needs of our clients and a proven ability to influence top governmental decision makers, so our new strategic alliance is a natural next step for our firms,” said Brian Ballard, president of Ballard Partners. “Our clients with international interests will benefit significantly from Alber & Geiger’s expertise and contacts in the EU, and we are pleased to form this mutually-beneficial partnership with such a reputable company.”
With offices in Berlin, Brussels, London and Washington, D.C., Alber & Geiger’s team combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high-profile EU attorneys to represent clients’ interests on the highest diplomatic and political levels in Brussels and Member States’ capitals. Chairman Siegbert Alber, an honorary professor at the European Institute of the University of Saarland, previously served as vice president of the European Parliament and advocate general at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Meanwhile, Dr. Andreas Geiger, managing partner and visiting professor at the University of Berlin, Germany, also touts an impressive career with notable positions including European President & CEO of U.S. lobbying firm Cassidy & Associates in Brussels and head of the EU Law Center for Ernst & Young.
“Brian Ballard and his team are among the best, and it is an honor to be affiliated with his firm,” said Prof. Siegbert Alber, chairman of Alber & Geiger. “His strong relationships with the United States federal government will be advantageous for our clients with interests in America, and we are proud to leverage our in-depth knowledge of the EU for Ballard’s clients as well.”
“By aligning our two firms, we will be further equipped to continue helping our clients achieve their legislative and diplomatic goals,” added Dr. Andreas Geiger, managing partner of Alber & Geiger.
Noted Public Historian Dwight Pitcaithley to Speak at Stetson University
Topics include changes in the National Park Service
over a century, history vs. heritage, among others
Stetson University will host esteemed Woodrow Wilson Fellow Dwight Pitcaithley, Ph. D., next week to present “The National Park Service after 100 Years: A Historian’s Reflections on Mission, Challenges, and Opportunities.” The free event is open to the public on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 7 p.m. in the Marshall & Vera Lea Rinker Welcome Center, 529 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Florida, 32723.
Pitcaithley’s presentation will highlight the challenges and changes in the National Park Service over more than a century, including the park’s role as an educational institution and federal policies that affect its work. Pitcaithley has published numerous articles and book chapters pertaining to public memory, the role of historic sites in public education and the public interpretation of the causes of the Civil War.
“We are so pleased to have the opportunity to welcome such a respected public history scholar and practitioner on our campus.,” said Emily Mieras, associate professor and chair of the Department of History at Stetson University. “His lecture will be both timely and relevant as the National Park Service celebrated its centennial last year and the NPS faces possible funding cuts. Given Dr. Pitcaithley’s expertise, the talk should have wide appeal, for the many people who love the national parks as well as those fascinated by how history plays a role in public spaces.”
Until mid-2005, Pitcaithley was chief historian with the National Park Service, responsible for the management and preservation of the country’s national resources. He was an advocate for high quality interpretive programs based on current historical scholarship. Pitcaithley served as president of the National Council for Public History in 1998, and on the editorial boards of The Public Historian and The Journal of American History.
The Dean’s Office in the College of Arts and Sciences at Stetson University is sponsoring this public lecture and Stetson University Department of History is hosting Pitcaithley’s visit to Stetson, with support from the Departments of Economics, Education, Environmental Science and Studies, and Political Science, as well as the Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience, Career and Professional Development, and the Gillespie Museum. Pitcaithley will speak at the Stetson University College of Law on Monday, Oct. 9, before coming to DeLand.
The Woodrow Wilson Fellow program is organized by the Council for Independent Colleges.
Commissioner Adam Putnam Waives Rules to Help Puerto Ricans Evacuate with Pets
In an effort to support the safe evacuation of Puerto Ricans and their pets, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam issued an emergency order suspending import paperwork requirements for pets that arrive in Florida with their evacuee owners. This emergency order does not apply to stray animals or livestock.
“Our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico face a long road to recovery, and they need all the support we can provide,” said Commissioner Adam H. Putnam. “By removing some of the hurdles for evacuees coming to Florida with companion pets, we’re making the process of evacuating to Florida easier.”
The following import requirements are temporarily suspended:
- Rule 5C-3.002(1), F.A.C. – All animals OCVI/Health Certificates requirement;
- Rule 5C-3.009(1) and (3), F.A.C. – Dogs and Cats OCVI/Health Certificates and rabies vaccination requirements; and
- Rule 5C-3.0012(1), F.A.C. – Domestic Fowl OCVI/Health Certificates requirement.
For additional details on the emergency order, contact the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at 1-800-HELP-FLA.
Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program Launches 3rd Year of Programming
Statewide Initiative Offers Entrepreneurship Education to Veterans at No Cost
Do you dream of being your own boss? The Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program is now seeking participants. Qualified veterans will have the opportunity to receive an accelerated entrepreneurship education at absolutely no cost. Now in its third year, this one of a kind program has already generated countless veteran success stories throughout the State of Florida. Space for the popular program is limited, so early registration is highly recommended.
The program is offered through six network partner universities and colleges across the state: Florida Atlantic University, Florida Gulf Coast University, Hillsborough Community College, University of Central Florida, Univeristy of North Florida, and University of Central Florida. The progam is open to currently serving active duty, reserve, Florida National Guard members or veterans who have been honorably discharged, reside in Florida, and demonstrate a strong interest in entrepreneurship.
“The Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program offers veterans in the state access to high value, entrepreneurship education through our world-class state colleges and universities,” said Carbonell. “This education will empower the next generation of great veteran entrepreneurs to make lasting contributions to the state’s economy.
Veterans can learn more about the program and register for workshops or courses on the Veterans Florida website. Workshops are available through out the fall and the Master course is slated to start in February 2018. Each college or university will offer the same curriculum and dedicate existing small business development resources to the program.
The 2017-18 program will feature three pathways of instruction designed to meet the needs of veteran entrepreneurs at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey. Veterans can enter at any stage of the program and the pathways do not need to be done in any particular order or sequence.
The Discover pathway comprises online lessons that will familiarize veterans with basic terminology and concepts. This online entrepreneurship program is designed specifically for veterans and gives participants a completely online option to start learning the foundations of entrepreneurship.
The Explore pathway offers specialized workshops held on the campuses of our six academic partners. This pathway is comprised of 2-3 hour workshops held at each network partner’s campus. This pathway is designed for veterans with early-stage ideas or early-stage companies and is open to all veterans with no acceptance required.
The Master pathway is an advanced on-campus program that delves more deeply into all aspects of entrepreneurship. This pathway is comprised of 60 hours of in-class training held at one of our six participating colleges or universities and is designed to prepare participants for all elements of entrepreneurship. This pathway is reserved for veterans with well-defined business ideas or early-stage companies. Acceptance into this portion of the program is required.
About Veterans Florida
Veterans Florida is a non-profit corporation created by the State of Florida to help veterans fully transition to civilian life in the Sunshine State. We connect veterans to employers, grant funds to employers to hire and train veterans, and educate veterans on how to open their own businesses in Florida. Because veterans oftentimes need more than employment assistance, we built a network of veteran service providers throughout the state to assist veterans with services such as housing, benefits, legal and other needs. To learn more, visit
OneJax Presents ‘Incivility and Political Dysfunction’ Lecture at UNF
The OneJax Institute at the University of North Florida presents the next program in the Civil Discourse Project, “Incivility and Political Dysfunction: How Did We Get Here and What Can We Do?” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17, in the Adam W. Herbert University Center, Building 43, Grand Banquet Hall, Room 1044, on campus.
The featured speaker is Dr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer, who is the executive director of the National Institute for Civil Discourse (NICD), an organization that works to reduce political dysfunction and incivility in our political system. As a leader in the field of deliberative democracy, she works to restore democracy to reflect the intended vision of our founding fathers.
She will discuss NICD’s initiative to revive civility as well as respect and will offer suggestions as to how individuals, the University and community can get involved.Following her remarks, there will be an interview/discussion session led by UNF President John Delaney.
Lukensmeyer previously served as founder and president of AmericaSpeaks, an award-winning nonprofit organization that promoted nonpartisan initiatives to engage citizens and leaders through the development of innovative public policy tools and strategies. During her tenure, AmericaSpeaks engaged more than 165,000 people and hosted events across all 50 states as well as throughout the world.
She formerly served as consultant to the White House chief of staff from 1993-94 and on the National Performance Review, where she steered internal management and oversaw government-wide reforms. Lukensmeyer was the chief of staff for five years to Ohio Gov. Richard F. Celeste, becoming the first woman to serve in this capacity.
This free event is open to the community; however, tickets are required for entry and may be obtained here. For more information about the event, contact the OneJax Institute at UNF at (904) 620-1529.
The National Institute for Civil Discourse was established in May 2011 after the tragic Tucson shooting that killed six people and wounded 13 others, including former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. All were participating in a “Congress on Your Corner” event, a fundamental act of democracy.
OneJax, in partnership with The Florida Times-Union, WJCT, UNF and the Jacksonville Human Rights Commission host the Civil Discourse Project. These civic engagement events feature moderated panel discussions on issues that challenge deeply held beliefs about controversial topics. The purpose is to promote and model civility in interacting with one another in a calm and inclusive manner on current popular topics to increase understanding of opposing viewpoints.
Since 2012, OneJax has been an institute at UNF. Through education, community building and advocacy, OneJax works to make Northeast Florida a better place for everyone by celebrating differences and identifying all we have in common.
Surterra Wellness Petitions Department of Health for Edibles Implementation
Surterra Wellness has filed a petition to initiate rulemaking to force the Department of Health to start the process that will provide access to edible marijuana products in Florida.
Florida statutes require the Department of Health to determine by rule any shapes, forms and ingredients allowed and prohibited for edible marijuana products and no licensee is able to begin processing or dispensing edibles until after the effective date of that rule. This means that no Florida patient will have access to legal marijuana edibles until the Department of Health makes these rules, and they have yet to initiate that on their own. This petition is intended to jump start that process.
“Many patients have been seeking edible products because it is the best format for them to find relief,” said Wesley Reynolds, President of Surterra Florida. “Surterra Wellness has and will continue to fight for access to medical cannabis, and this is just a continuation of that cause. The more available options for people, the more likely they will be able to use a cannabis product instead of highly addictive and easily abused opiates.”
Surterra Wellness currently offers a wide range of product options and edibles, when authorized by the Health Department, will be an additional line. Surterra currently offers statewide delivery and can be reached at (850) 391-5455 or by visiting their website.
About Surterra
Surterra has brought together industry leaders from medicine and cannabis research to discover and advance the natural therapeutic benefits of cannabis-based products and are providing cannabis products to qualified patients throughout the entire State of Florida. Surterra’s mission is to provide the safest, highest quality cannabis-based products that empower your health and enable you and your loved ones to live well.
ICYMI: MaryLynn Magar statement on Las Vegas shooting
State Representative MaryLynn Magar today released the following statement on the shooting in Las Vegas:
“I am sickened by the tremendous and sudden loss of life in the shooting in Las Vegas last night. I grieve with the families of the many victims and pray for their comfort during this terrible time. This is another reminder of the heroic work law enforcement does in times of crisis, and I’m grateful for them.”
Paid by MaryLynn Magar, Republican, for State Representative
Florida KidCare announces extended deadline for families impacted by Hurricane Irma
Florida KidCare state agency partners – the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, Florida Department of Health Children’s Medical Services, and Florida Healthy Kids Corporation – are providing an extended deadline for Florida KidCare families, who may have been impacted by Hurricane Irma, to pay their October insurance premiums.
Florida KidCare families who have not yet paid their premium for coverage beginning October 1, 2017 will have until October 31, 2017 to pay their monthly premium. This will provide additional time for families to make their payment and ensure their children have access to healthcare during this time of recovery. Families who pay their premiums by the October 31 deadline will have coverage restored back to October 1.
Families eligible for the premium payment extension must live in one of the 48 counties designated by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) as eligible for individual assistance: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Collier, Columbia, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Lafayette, Lake, Lee, Levy, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Nassau, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Putnam, Sarasota, Seminole, St. Johns, St. Lucie, Sumter, Suwannee, Union and Volusia.
The extended deadline covers three Florida KidCare programs:
- MediKids: Subsidized and full-pay coverage for children ages 1 through 4.
- Florida Healthy Kids: Subsidized and full-pay coverage for children ages 5 through 18.
- Children’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan (CMS Plan): Subsidized coverage for children with special health care needs from birth through age 18.
The payment extension does not apply to Florida KidCare children enrolled in Medicaid because these children receive free coverage and do not pay a monthly premium. All renewal periods for Florida KidCare, including Medicaid, have been extended.