Public proposal filing deadline to be reevaluated
Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) Chairman Carlos Beruff today announced that the CRC has canceled its first committee week previously scheduled for September 18-19.
CRC Chairman Carlos Beruff, said, “As Floridians recover and rebuild following Hurricane Irma, the CRC has canceled its first committee week scheduled for September 18-19, which included a meeting of the full Commission. The CRC will also reevaluate its public proposal filing deadline to help ensure that Floridians interested in the CRC process can remain focused on their families during this time. Until a new deadline is recommended by the CRC Rules and Administration Committee, and approved by the full Commission, we will continue to accept all proposed constitutional amendments filed by Floridians. CRC business scheduled for the canceled committee week will be taken up during future meetings.”
The CRC Rules and Administration Committee previously recommended Friday, September 22 as the filing deadline for public proposals to be considered by the CRC. Given the impact of Hurricane Irma on Florida, the committee plans to reevaluate and recommend a new deadline at a future date that will be subject to approval by a vote of the full Commission. CRC committee meetings are open to the public and publicly noticed in advance on