Outstanding students and teachers from across
the state recognized and presented with awards
Secretary of State Ken Detzner and the Museum of Florida History are pleased to announce the winners of the annual Florida History Day (FHD) state competition, formerly known as Florida History Fair, held in Tallahassee on May 7–9. More than 60,000 students from around Florida participated in Florida History Day this year and the top entries from each county competed at the state contest. At the event, outstanding history teachers from across the state were also recognized and presented with awards.
“The students and teachers who participated in this year’s Florida History Day are a shining example of the talent and creativity in Florida schools,” said Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner. “I’d like to recognize all of the students who devoted time and energy to their projects and I want to congratulate the award winners who will represent Florida in the National History Day competition. I also applaud the teachers who were honored with awards this year for inspiring students and cultivating their interest in history.”
Students gather at the annual Florida History Day. Additional pictures
from the event can be found on the Florida History Day’s Facebook page here.
More than 1,140 middle and high school students competed in the FHD state competition. Students presented award-winning research in a variety of mediums including documentaries, exhibits, papers, performances and websites. The top two placements in each category are invited to represent Florida at the National History Day contest on June 11-15 in College Park, Maryland.
Below is a full list of student and teacher award winners.
Junior Historical Paper
1st Place Zachary Juan
Fred Korematsu’s War Against Injustice
Williams Middle Magnet School (Hillsborough)
2nd Place Victor Xie
Taking a Stand to Defend the Skies: The Flying Tigers of World War II
Thurgood Marshall Fundamental (Pinellas)
3rd Place Albert Zhang
Rachel Carson: Standing Up for Nature
James Weldon Johnson College Prepartory Middle School (Duval)
Senior Historical Paper
1st Place Wenjie Gong
Alice Seeley Harris: Confronting the Depredation of European Imperialism
Seminole High School (Seminole)
2nd Place Courtney Dantzler
Arnold Schoenberg: A Musical Bogeyman?
Stanton College Preparatory (Duval)
3rd Place Elena Lopez- Belio
Galileo’s Stand Against the Catholic Church
American Heritage School Of Boca/Delray (Palm Beach)
Junior Individual Documentary
1st Place Jonathan Bogen
Mikhail Gorbachev: The Evolution of a Revolutionary
American Heritage School Of Boca/Delray (Palm Beach)
2nd Place Joshua Hoffman
Stand and Deliver
American Heritage School (Broward)
3rd Place Nanako Kondo
Taking a Stand: Chuine Sugihara, the Man Who Saved 6,000 Lives
The Weiss School (Palm Beach)
Junior Group Documentary
1st Place Jack Lohse, Mack Alfele
Taking a Stand in the Sand: The Fort Lauderdale Beach Wade-Ins
Beachside Montessori Village (Broward)
2nd Place Myles Fisher, Hayato Shiomitsu
Tiananmen Square: The Moment that Defined Modern China
Fort Clarke Middle School (Alachua)
3rd Place Yash Vardhan, Rohan Cherivirala, Divij Lankalapalli
William Wilberforce: Exposing the Horrors of Slavery
Sanford Middle School (Seminole)
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Place Malavika Kannan
Chico Mendes: Martyr for the Amazon
Seminole High School (Seminole)
2nd Place Carmen Dosev
Bulgaria’s Choice
Pensacola Catholic High School (Escambia)
3rd Place Matias Civita
Taking a Stand in History: The Kent State Incident
Spanish River Community High School (Palm Beach)
Senior Group Documentary
1st Place Catherine Lee, Beverly Maddux, Nicole Leary
Thomas Nast: Seriously Funny
St. Petersburg High School (Pinellas)
2nd Place Jennifer Hanapole, Rumaisa Khalid, Veronica Lara
Giving Life to Choice
Spanish River Community High School (Palm Beach)
3rd Place Emma Hanley, Quinn Holden-Schrock
Smokey Hollow: the Community Without a Voice
James Rickards High School (Leon)
Junior Individual Performance
1st Place Max Mateer
Two Goats on a Bridge and a Torpedo Underneath
Gulf Breeze Middle School (Santa Rosa)
2nd Place Nina Giraldo
Aung San Suu Kyi—Standing for Democracy
Sarasota Middle School (Sarasota)
3rd Place Asher Moss
Elie Wiesel: Standing Against Genocidal Indifference
The Weiss School (Palm Beach)
Junior Group Performance
1st Place Trinaty Barber, Corinne McCormick, Emily Garnica
Margaret Hughes: Opening the Curtains to Women’s Rights in Theatre
Dunedin Highland Middle School (Pinellas)
2nd Place Annika Fuller, Hadassah Ebdora, Talya White
The Pullman Strike: An Impetus to Change
John Hopkins Middle School (Pinellas)
3rd Place Alexa Ruiz, Synnvove Mikkelsen
Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique
American Heritage School (Broward)
Senior Individual Performance
1st Place A. Tris Weeks
Edelweiss Pirates: The German Teens that Fought for Freedom
Pensacola Catholic High School (Escambia)
2nd Place Kiara Thompson
Toussaint L’Ouverture and the Haitian Revolution
Leon High School (Leon)
3rd Place Walker Willis
Toussaint L’Ouverture and the Haitian Revolution
Shorecrest Preparatory School (Pinellas)
Senior Group Performance
1st Place Madeline Jean-Marie, Victoria Pereira,
Natalia Vargas, Jasmine Jean-Marie
Taking a Step into History: South African Gumboot
Weeki Wachee High School (Hernando)
2nd Place Julia Arciola, Linsey Smith
Sophie Scholl
The North Broward Preparatory Schools (Broward)
3rd Place Grace Hallam, Abigal Stolp
Deaf President Now: How One Week Changed the Deaf World Forever
Lawton Chiles High School (Leon)
Junior Individual Exhibit
1st Place Grace Mims
Rachel Carson: Standing for the Environment
Gulf Breeze Middle School (Santa Rosa)
2nd Place Maya Moise
Service not Servitude
American Heritage School (Broward)
3rd Place Colin Stroble
The Global Stand Against Polio
Sarasota Middle School (Sarasota)
Junior Group Exhibit
1st Place Corrine Sypek, Manuela Herrera
Rosie the Riveter
American Heritage School Of Boca/Delray (Palm Beach)
2nd Place Joy Chi, Jeni Chi
Grace Abbott: The Voice of the Children and Immigrants
Deerlake Middle School (Leon)
3rd Place Chloe Cate, Amara Schoppmann
Stonewall Riots
J. H. Workman Middle School (Escambia)
Senior Individual Exhibit
1st Place Mallory Bramel
Mass Graves for the Misbehaved: Taking A Stand against the Injustice of the Incorrigibles
Milton High (Santa Rosa)
2nd Place John Jutras
Floridians Take a Bite: Dr. Porter Leads Florida in the War against Mosquitoes
Pensacola Catholic High School (Escambia)
3rd Place Spencer Bredoff
A World Without War: Draft Dodgers, Conscientious Objectors, and Protesters Speak for Peace
American Academy Of Boca/Delray (Palm Beach)
Senior Group Exhibit
1st Place Creed King, Kate Powell
“Law Not War”: Benjamin Ferencz’s Lifelong Stand for Peace through Justice
Leon High School (Leon)
2nd Place Daniela Hazan, Ekabouna (Kiki) Joseph
Watergate Scandal
American Heritage School (Broward)
3rd Place Kyra Riggins, Belicia Torres
Leningrad: Standing Up When the City is Falling Down
Frank W. Springstead High School (Hernando)
Junior Individual Website
1st Place Akash Bhat
Aneurin Bevan and the National Health Service
Fairview Middle School (Leon)
2nd Place Gabriel Lerner-Sperow
From Dixie To D.C.: John Lewis’s Long March to Rights
Okaloosa STEMM Center (Okaloosa)
3rd Place Paige Sondgeroth
Susan B. Anthony: Taking a Stand for Women’s Suffrage
Holy Nativity Episcopal School (Bay)
Junior Group Website
1st Place Kaitlyn Haslam, Kathryn Froehlich, Alondra Curet, Justin Barber
Ignaz Semmelweis – Taking a Stand to Save Lives
Osceola County School For The Arts (Osceola)
2nd Place Erin Collier, Sara Machado
The Women’s War
Community Christian School (Leon)
3rd Place Ginger Koehler, Hannah Spencer
Martin Luther: Sparking a Religous Reformation
Fort Clarke Middle School (Alachua)
Senior Individual Website
1st Place Joey Jung
Taking a Stand: Korea During the March First Movement
Lincoln High School (Leon)
2nd Place Alaa Osman
Tearing Away the Red Cloth of Communism: Chinese Students Taking a Stand Against Maoism During the 1980s
Ridgeview High School (Clay)
3rd Place Cassandra Colaco
The Descent into Madness
King High School (Hillsborough)
Senior Group Website
1st Place Kyle Nguyen, Sophia Chen
The Revolutionary Reforms of Jacob A. Riis: Bringing Light to America’s Dark Half
Palm Harbor University High (Pinellas)
2nd Place Alvin Nguyen, Dylan Palmer, Amadeus Reif
The Baltic Resistance: Taking a Stand Against Soviet Occupation
Frank W. Springstead High School (Hernando)
3rd Place Nicholas Skoufis, Mehul Kapur, Sami Humeda
The Haitian Revolution: A Stand Against Imperialism
Pensacola High School (Escambia)
Teacher Award Winners
Teacher of Merit Award Winner: Deanne Reynolds, Pembroke Pines Charter Middle School– West Campus (Broward)
Mayflower Outstanding Teacher Award: Alissa Kester, Mandarin High School (Duval)
Student Scholarship Winners
Mayflower Legacy Scholarship Award Winners
Senior Division
Zoe Zimmerman, Manatee School for the Arts (Manatee)
Junior Division
Andrew Arndt, Aidan Hogan and Aabhas Jain, Dunedin Highland Middle School (Pinellas)
National Maritime Historical Society Scholarship Award Winners
Senior Division
Zac Brown, Classical Preparatory School (Pasco)
Junior Division
Katelyn Turney-Rudisill, Bay Haven Charter Middle School (Bay)
Special Prize Award Winners
African American Heritage Award: William An, Frank W. Springstead High School (Hernando)
American Colonial Heritage Award: Andrew Arndt, Aidan Hogan and Aabhas Jain, Dunedin Highland Middle School (Pinellas)
American History Innovation Award: Zoe Zimmerman, Manatee School for the Arts (Manatee)
Best Use of Primary Sources Award, Junior Division: Sophia Cicerchia and Hannah Snyder, The Weiss School (Palm Beach)
Best Use of Primary Sources Award, Senior Division: Camille Luong, St. Petersburg High School (Pinellas)
Celebrate Freedom Award: Tyler Roy, Berkley Accelerated Middle School (Polk)
Economic Freedom Award: Hailey Ward, Gulf Breeze Middle School (Santa Rosa)
Florida Heritage Award: Thuytran Bui Vo, Port St. Lucie High School (St. Lucie)
Florida Historic Preservation Award: Maria Caballero, Natalee Escobar and Alyssa Hernandez, Pembroke Pines Charter Middle West (Broward)
Frederick Cubberly Florida History Award: Katie Mann, Lawton Chiles High School (Leon)
Hispanic Heritage Award: Alex Franco, Dunedin Highland Middle School (Pinellas)
Holocaust Education Award: Deepika Kannan, Sanford Middle School (Seminole)
Legal Heritage Award: Lorraine Angelakos, Pompano Beach High School (Broward)
Mapping History Award: Jesse Ann Barbee, Malechi Eve Sable and Zoe Thornton, Martha B. King Middle School (Manatee)
Military Heritage Award: Parker Beverly, Pensacola High School (Escambia)
Native American Heritage Award: Meredith McGee, Ernest Ward Middle School (Escambia)
Science Heritage Award: Anisha Abraham, Dunedin Highland Middle School (Pinellas)
Space Heritage Award: Logan Beatty and Manoj Kambara, Land O’Lakes High School (Pasco)
Sports Heritage Award: Lin Ai Liao, Cornerstone Learning Community (Leon)
Women’s Heritage Award: Graybill Partington, Episcopal Day School Christ Church (Escambia)
World War II Heritage Award: Grace Stanley, Brown Barge Middle School (Escambia)
For more information about Florida History Day, please visit the Florida History Day website here.
About Florida History Day
Florida History Day, formerly known as Florida History Fair, is part of National History Day (NHD). NHD was established in 1974 to promote history in the classroom by offering students the means and encouragement to research people, ideas, and events of the past. The 2016–17 theme is “Taking A Stand In History.” After analyzing and interpreting the information they have gathered, students express their findings in a paper, exhibit, performance, documentary, or website. More than 60,000 students participated in the 2016–2017 Florida History Day. For more information, visit floridahistoryday.com.