“Floridians for Fair Business Practices would like to thank our coalition members and supporters, sponsors Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores and Representative Bryan Avila, as well as lawmakers in the House and Senate who have advocated for a repeal of Florida’s outdated alcohol separation law.
We have made tremendous progress in the last four years and there is a clear momentum in Florida for this common-sense approach to liquor sales. While Governor Scott ultimately chose to veto Senate Bill 106, we look forward to working with state leaders in the future to finally put an end to this outdated, Prohibition-era law.”
Floridians for Fair Business Practices is a coalition of retailers and business groups whose purpose is to identify rules and regulations which prohibit the growth and expansion of Florida businesses. For additional information, please visit www.FairBizinFlorida.com.
Floridians for Fair Business Practices
ICYMI: Sun Sentinel: Gov. Rick Scott, Tear Down That Liquor Wall
In this morning’s edition of the Sun Sentinel, their Editorial Board authored an editorial urging Governor Scott to sign SB 106, which would send a message that Florida is continuing to create an environment where businesses can thrive by removing burdensome regulations.
This is the second editorial the Sun Sentinel has published supporting SB 106. Other news outlets that have also voiced their support for “tearing down the wall” include the Orlando Sentinel, Tallahassee Democrat, and the Daytona Beach News Journal.
Floridians for Fair Business Practices believes the Sun Sentinel is correct when it says, “SB 106 gets it right and gives consumers more choice. It deserves to become law.”
We urge Governor Scott to support the free market and sign SB 106 into law.
Gov. Rick Scott, tear down that liquor wall
Sun Sentinel Editorial Board
May 23, 2017
Gov. Rick Scott is weighing whether to sign a bill that would lift Florida’s Prohibition-era ban on selling liquor alongside beer and wine at grocery stores.
By today, the governor must decide whether to veto the “Whiskey and Wheaties” bill, sign it into law or let it become law without his signature.
We encourage Gov. Scott to sign Senate Bill 106 and put an end to the outdated “liquor wall” regulation. In making his decision, he should be guided by free market principles, doing what’s best for consumers and ending needless government regulations.
Other than protecting certain businesses, what sense does it make to allow beer and wine sales in a grocery store, but force people to go next door to buy a bottle of spirits?
You can understand the concerns of independent liquor store owners, who fear new competition from big-box stores will put them out of business. We’re not unsympathetic to their plight. It reminds us of the fight taxi drivers waged to try to keep Uber from disrupting their businesses. But consumers wanted change and lawmakers listened.
The other concern comes from chain stores like Publix, which have already built standalone liquor stores at some locations. Their lobbyists say tearing down the “liquor wall” will give minors easier access to alcohol. It’s the same argument we heard some years back when retailers tried to preserve the ban that prevented you from shipping yourself a case of wine. They said a child might answer the door and imbibe.
If this bill becomes law, Florida would become the 28th state to let retailers sell hard liquor alongside beer and wine. Surely Florida retailers can learn from the experience elsewhere.
In California, for example, independent liquor stores have focused on higher-end items and a greater selection than what can be found on grocery shelves. Neither has the Golden State reported an uptick in minors stealing alcohol.
Besides, is it good public policy to keep an outdated regulation because a child might shoplift?
The “Whiskey and Wheaties” bill has been controversial from the start. It passed the Senate, 21-17, and the House by a single vote. Three House members voted “no” after the roll call was recorded, but they were too late to make a difference.
It’s a sad commentary that with so many crucial issues facing Florida, the “liquor wall” became one of the session’s most hotly-contested issues.
Large retail outlets, including Wal-Mart, Target and Costco, are behind the push. Yes, it would benefit them. But it also would benefit consumers.
To ease the pain, the bill calls for a phase-in period. Big-box stores couldn’t add hard liquor before next year. And then, they can only add it to a quarter of their stores. reaching total phase-in by 2021.
The bill also prohibits new package stores from being licensed within 1,000 feet of schools. And it requires mini-liquor bottles to be displayed behind the counter to deter theft. And it requires that for alcohol transactions, adults must supervise checkout clerks younger than 18.
Most gas stations also would be banned from selling spirits, with an exception granted to those with more than 10,000 square feet of retail space.
SB 106 gets it right and gives consumers more choice. It deserves to become law.
Floridians For Fair Business Practices Presents Letters of Support to Governor Rick Scott
Diverse group of businesses and community
organizations call on Governor Scott to sign SB 106
Floridians For Fair Business Practices, whose members represent over 150,000 jobs in Florida, is proud to have the support of numerous key businesses and community organizations who have sent letters and voiced their support to Governor Rick Scott urging him to sign SB 106 into law. By signing SB 106 into law, Governor Scott can send a message that Florida is open for business for companies big and small and that free market principles are alive and well in the Sunshine State.
Those groups who support the repeal of this antiquated law include, Americans for Tax Reform, the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, the Distilled Spirits Council, Costco, Target, Whole Foods, the Independent Women’s Voice, The Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Sam’s Club, The Big Bend Minority Chamber, and Wal-Mart.
Over the past several months, nearly 25,000 Floridians have contacted the Governor’s office or the Legislature to voice their support for bringing Florida in line with the 29 other states and Washington, D.C. who allow grocery stores and other retailers to sell spirits alongside the beer and wine they already sell.
Statement by Floridians for Fair Business Practices
Regarding the passage of Senate Bill 106
“Floridians for Fair Business Practices commends members of the Florida House of Representative for passing Senate Bill 106 today. The legislation finally removes an archaic regulation which has no basis in today’s modern society, giving Florida retailers the ability to innovatively meet their customers’ needs. We are pleased both chambers recognized the importance of free market principles, increased consumer choice and healthy competition, and are grateful to our sponsors, Representative Bryan Avila and Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores, for their diligent efforts throughout the legislative session. We encourage Governor Scott to sign this common sense, pro-business bill into law.”
Floridians for Fair Business Practices is a coalition of retailers and business groups whose purpose is to identify rules and regulations, which prohibit the growth and expansion of Florida businesses. For additional information, please visit www.FairBizinFlorida.com.
Business Leaders and Free Market Groups Encourage Passage of Common Sense, Pro-Business Bill

Members of the Floridians for Fair Business Practices coalition urge Representatives
to pass SB 106 and repeal the Prohibition era Alcohol Separation Law
Members of Floridians for Fair Business Practices, a coalition of business leaders, free market organizations and Florida retailers, encourage members of the Florida House to vote yes on Senate Bill 106 during Wednesday’s floor vote. Sponsored by Representative Bryan Avila, the bill repeals an antiquated law which prohibits the sale of distilled spirits in the same location as beer, wine and other goods.
“The outdated ‘alcohol wall’ is the prime example of a costly, burdensome regulation which fails to demonstrate any benefit to public health and safety,” said Skylar Zander, Deputy State Director, Americans for Prosperity. “It’s time to empower consumer choices and advance entrepreneurship, and we urge the Florida House to pass this bill.”
“Consumers should decide what retailers stock on their shelves, not the government,” said Sal Nuzzo, Vice President of Policy, James Madison Institute. “The outdated alcohol separation policy must be reformed to advance and encourage competition, and we are hopeful the House will pass this free enterprise bill.”
“We support legislation to foster healthy competition for Florida’s retailers, while providing businesses with the tools to meet their customers’ evolving needs,” said Julio Fuentes, President and CEO, Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “The Senate has already signaled their support for leveling the playing field among retailers, and we encourage Representatives to follow suit.”
“The biggest threat to our industry is governmental overregulation, which is why we are advocating for a repeal of the Prohibition era liquor law,” said Richard Turner, General Counsel and Vice President of Government Relations, Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. “After nearly eight decades of red tape surrounding the sale of alcohol in grocery and big-box stores, it’s time to bring Florida into a modern era and embrace consumer convenience.”
“With online sales surpassing in-store revenue for the first time this year, brick and mortar retailers must adapt to new technology and provide consumers with the convenience they desire in order to remain profitable,” said Gina Kinchlow, Board Member, Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce. “Florida cannot continue to keep certain businesses out of the marketplace, and we ask Representatives to vote yes on SB 106 to ensure all retailers have the ability to compete.”
“This outdated law discourages competition and increases costs for all parties,” said Christian Camara, Southeast Region Director, R Street Institute. “I hope members of the House keep free market principles in mind when voting on this bill, and allow our great state to join 29 other states who allow businesses to flourish in today’s modern society.”
Floridians for Fair Business Practices is a coalition of retailers and business groups whose purpose is to identify rules and regulations, which prohibit the growth and expansion of Florida business. For additional information, please visit www.FairBizinFlorida.com.
Floridians For Fair Business Practices Applauds the Passage of SB 106
Statement From the Gina Kinchlow of the Big Bend Minority Chamber
“As members of the Floridians for Fair Business Practices coalition, the Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce thanks the Florida Senate for passing SB 106 on the floor today. After nearly four years of advocating for a repeal of the antiquated Alcohol Separation Law, we are finally one step closer to fair business practices that benefit all Floridians.
Now that the companion bill, HB 81, has passed all of its committee stops, we remain hopeful that this year Florida will come out of the Prohibition Era and into a more modern society. For the first time Florida is slated to join 30 other states and Washington, D.C., where both consumer convenience and level playing fields for hardworking retailers are prioritized. Along with our co-sponsors, Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores and Representative Bryan Avila, the Big Bend Minority Chamber and the Floridians for Fair Business Practices coalition will continue promoting the advancement of Florida businesses while tearing down barriers to competition.”
ICYMI: Tallahassee Democrat: ‘Liquor wall’ a relic that needs to come down
Over the weekend, you may have missed a timely column authored by the Tallahassee Democrat editorial board, entitled “Our Opinion: ‘Liquor Wall’ a Relic that Needs to Come Down.”
In the column, the editorial board voices support for tearing down the alcohol separation wall through Senator Anitere Flores’ bill, SB106 – citing an evolving society as a reason to repeal the antiquated, Prohibition era law.
Our opinion: ‘Liquor wall’ a relic that needs to come down
By: Tallahassee Democrat Editorial Board
Normally sensible legislators can make all kinds of laws about crime, education, transportation or taxation – but they seem to get a little tipsy when the topic is alcohol.
Spurred by the public’s thirst and their own appetite for the revenue “sin taxes” contribute to state coffers, state legislators have chipped away at liquor laws over the past 80-plus years. They left some local options, for communities that want to regulate the time, place and type of alcohol sales they will allow. But tourism-dependent Florida doesn’t really have the kind of “wet” and “dry” controversies that legislators in many states have had since the demise of Prohibition.
There is, however, one relic of the Noble Experiment still affecting our booze market – the requirement that liquor stores have a separate entrance from regular retail establishments. They call it the “liquor wall” down at the Capitol, where the move to repeal the separation rule this year is a textbook example of special-interest legislating.
There has been no great public clamor from citizens who feel oppressed by having to walk out of Walmart or Target, go 50 feet down the sidewalk, and enter the store’s liquor store when they want to buy a bottle. The “big box” stores just want to put the hard stuff on shelves next to their beer and wine, making shopping and restocking more efficient. The liquor store operators, like ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, have lobbied for years to make things the way they are – and don’t want the big boys to muscle into a bigger share of the market.
It’s not exactly the Capone gang fighting Bugs Moran for control of some speakeasies. But in an era when you can order online and have a bottle delivered, the idea of walling off liquor stores from the rest of a big market seems like an almost charming anachronism.
There is one good argument against the bill (SB 106) by Sen. Anitere Flores, R-Miami, that would tear down the alcohol wall. At a Senate committee hearing last month, ABC’s chief executive and some lobbyists for independent dealers said shoplifting is a lot easier in the big box stores. You can’t stuff a six pack of beer, or a case, under your jacket and kids don’t want wine, but a flask-like bottle fits easily into a pocket.
Minors aren’t allowed in a liquor store alone, and are very conspicuous when they come in with an adult. Plus, those stores have more employees and security cameras per square foot to guard against theft.
But those superstores are national chains, and their locations in states without the separate-door requirement have not reported any major problems with liquor thefts.
Since the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act, for more than a century, state and federal legislators have had a love-hate relationship with alcohol. Governments need the revenue and people want to drink – but nobody feels real good about it. Politicians like to say you can’t legislate morality, but that doesn’t stop many of them from trying.
Here in Tallahassee, alcohol regulation has a storied history, much of it probably embellished in the retelling. The fabled Silver Slipper restaurant, long gone now, used to have little rooms off of its main floor, where lobbyists and legislators could pull a curtain and cut some deals. Privacy was important, not just for the subject matter under discussion.
At various times, many places had “brown bagging.” Waiters, who had no idea what patrons had in those little sacks, would bring a glass of ice and a pitcher of water, Coke or ginger ale. We can only wonder how much of Florida history was shaped at Wakulla Lodge, which financier Ed Ball built to entertain the state’s decision-makers of a long-gone era.
Back before the legislative gift ban, there was the famous “beer fairy,” who’d leave a case at a legislator’s doorstep every morning of the session. In fact, when South Florida legislators tried to move the Capitol to Orlando, one of the reasons local members were able to stop them was that Leon County had finally gone wet. (Another reason was that Big Bend legislators had real power back then.)
Innocent children are not going to be scarred by the sight of a Jack Daniels label, next to a row of beer and wine on a grocery shelf, if the Flores bill passes. Nor will keeping the alcohol wall, and requiring customers to make a second stop in their shopping, impede law-abiding adults who are buying their booze.
It’s not going to affect drinking habits or state revenues but, on balance, we’d say it’s time to scrap this hangover from a long-gone, more innocent age.
Floridians for Fair Business Practices is a coalition of retailers and business groups whose purpose is to identify rules and regulations, which prohibit the growth and expansion of Florida business. For additional information, please visit to www.FairBizinFlorida.com.
Statement: Following the passage of Senate Bill 106 in the Regulated Industries committee
Statement by Richard Turner, General Counsel and Vice President of
Government Relations, Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association,
and Floridians for Fair Business Practices Coalition Member
Following the passage of Senate Bill 106 in the Regulated Industries committee
“Today members of the Senate Regulated Industries Committee demonstrated their support for common sense, pro-business policies by passing Senate Bill 106, which repeals the Prohibition era Alcohol Separation Law which requires distilled spirits to be sold separately from beer, wine and groceries. On behalf of Floridians for Fair Business Practices, we applaud their decision.
We commend bill sponsors Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores and Representative Bryan Avila for their diligent efforts to tear down barriers to business growth and expansion. This antiquated law does not demonstrate any benefits to Florida consumers and retailers, and its repeal would mirror society’s desire for convenience in a changing marketplace. Our coalition is pleased to continue discussing the benefits of passing a repeal to the outdated law with additional committees as this bill is considered in the legislature.”
Floridians for Fair Business Practices is a coalition of retailers and business groups whose purpose is to identify rules and regulations, which prohibit the growth and expansion of Florida businesses. For additional information, please visit www.FairBizinFlorida.com.
Legislators and Business Leaders Voice Support for Common Sense, Pro-Business Bill
Members of the Floridians for Fair Business Practices coalition
and state legislators encourage the passage of SB 106 and
HB 81 to repeal the Prohibition era Alcohol Separation Law
Senator Anitere Flores (R-Miami) and Representative Bryan Avila (R-Hialeah) today joined members of the Floridians for Fair Business Practices coalition to voice support for and educate the public about a bill that would repeal a Prohibition era Alcohol Separation Law which hinders competition, discourages free-market principles and inconveniences consumers.
“This legislation puts Florida in step with 28 other states that allow distilled spirits to be sold alongside other adult beverages. Repealing this law will bring Florida into a more modern era, enabling our great state to flourish in a fair marketplace,” said Florida Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores. “I am proud to sponsor this legislation and encourage my fellow members to see the benefits of this bill in allowing retailers to compete on a level playing field.”
“I am pleased to sponsor this pro-consumer, common sense bill which advances and encourages competition in the marketplace,” said Representative Bryan Avila. “We must provide our Florida retailers with the necessary tools to be both productive and profitable while catering to consumers’ desire for a convenient shopping experience. This legislation does exactly that.”
Sponsored by Senator Flores and Representative Avila, the legislation will reduce barriers to competition, decrease costs for business owners and ultimately enhance the consumer shopping experience. The following will happen if the repeal is passed:
- Businesses will have the tools to meet the demands of a changing marketplace, where traditional retailers must compete against a new era in society where online sales surpass brick and mortar stores.
- Retailers would no longer be burdened by the cost of building, staffing and maintaining two separate locations.
- Stores with the proper licenses will be able to sell beer, wine, distilled spirits and groceries under the same roof. Businesses who already have a separate liquor store could continue to use the previous business model if they wish.
- The level playing field works both ways – liquor stores previously prohibited from selling products other than “party supplies” could expand their business by selling groceries and other goods.
- An improved shopping experience where customers will not need to stop at two separate locations when grocery shopping.
“Retailers around the state are being burdened by archaic regulations that stifle their growth,” said Julio Fuentes, President and CEO of the Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “All this bill does is promote competition and fair business practices while reducing business costs.”
“Simply put, this law makes no sense and leaves Florida retailers with a reduced ability to invest in their workers, their business, and their state,” said Richard Turner, Vice President of Government Relations and General Counsel for the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association. “We need a common sense approach, and it would only make sense that Legislators who want to create an environment where businesses can compete, create jobs and grow, support this bill.”
“I commend Senator Flores and Representative Avila for protecting the American dream by championing regulatory reform,” said Skyler Zander, Deputy State Director of Americans for Prosperity-Florida. “Florida entrepreneurs should be free to expand their businesses without the restriction of Prohibition-era red tape.”
“Full repeal of this law would get the government out of the way and let businesses meet the demands of a modern marketplace,” said Gina Kinchlow, Board Member of the Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce. “The only reason to oppose repealing this unnecessary law is to keep certain players out of the marketplace.”
Floridians for Fair Business Practices is a coalition of retailers and business groups whose purpose is to identify rules and regulations, which prohibit the growth and expansion of Florida business. For additional information, please visit to www.FairBizinFlorida.com.