Energy efficiency is a sound business practice for HDG Hotels by lowering operating costs to benefit their bottom line and their guests’ wallets, too. HDG’s commitment and outstanding results earned them the Florida Public Service Commission’s (PSC) October Triple E Award for energy efficiency efforts.
“We commend HDG Hotels for lowering both their energy consumption and their environmental impact,” said PSC Chairman Julie Brown. “They have balanced the need to cut energy costs with ever-increasing guests’ expectations, and we applaud them for their results.”
Over the past few years, HDG worked with Duke Energy Florida’s Commercial Assessment Team to implement energy efficiency measures that are projected to save over 275,000 kWh annually. Implemented at HDG’s multiple locations, efficiency upgrades include: replacing all lighting with LED fixtures, installing about 66,000 square feet of Cool Roof material, and cleaning the coils of over 350 Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners, as well as others.
“Like many in the hospitality industry, we are investing in energy efficiency to cut utility costs, enhance the guest experience, and help our properties compete,” said Navroz Saju, President and CEO of HDG Hotels. “Competition is more than amenities and services. Guests are now more aware of energy usage, eco-friendliness, and competitive rates. Duke Energy’s better business efficiency program helped us qualify for more than $30,000 in incentives.”
“Energy costs for hotels typically run about 6 percent of their budgets, so we know how important it is for this industry to focus on energy efficient practices, to better serve their guests through reduced costs,” said Harry Sideris, Duke Energy Florida president. “Duke Energy efficiency experts worked with HDG Hotels on their plans resulting in less energy usage and lower operating costs.”
Covering the state’s five major geographic areas, each month the PSC presents its Triple E Award to a local business that has accomplished superior energy efficiency. Look for past Triple E Award recipients under Hot Topics on the PSC’s homepage. The PSC encourages cost-effective conservation and renewable energy to reduce the use of fossil fuels and defer the need for new generating capacity through the Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act.