The new ad highlights his conservative platform and
addresses his opponent’s attempts to smear him with lies.
The Jose Mallea Campaign today released its latest television spot, urging voters to not believe false claims about him made by his opponent in the special Republican primary on July 25.
“My opponent has chosen to use this campaign to promote lies and smears to benefit the special Interests,” said Mallea. “I will use my 20-year conservative record to make a real difference for the residents of House District 116, starting with my proposal for the elimination of property taxes for our seniors.”
You may view the ad by clicking here or the photo above. The text is below:
Hi. I’m Jose Mallea.
A conservative Republican running for State Representative on July 25.
My opponent has made some outrageous claims during this campaign.
They are lies.
Please don’t believe the falsehoods.
Like our President Donald Trump, the special interests attack anyone not on their side with lies and fake news.
I built my business with hard work.
And now I want to fight for you and your family by cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and eliminating government waste.
Please honor me with your vote on July 25.