“Gov. Scott Holds Roundtable to Discuss the Need for EFI and VISIT FLORIDA”
WMBB (ABC) – Panama City, FL
February 14, 2017
To view the clip, click HERE.
Gov. Scott Discusses Economic Impacts of EFI and VISIT FLORIDA with Sunrise Community Members
Business, tourism and community leaders attended Governor Rick Scott’s Fighting for Florida Jobs Roundtable in Sunrise today to discuss the local economic impact of VISIT FLORIDA and Enterprise Florida and the need to fight job killing legislation in the Florida House.
To view Sunrise Mayor Michael Ryan’s video, click HERE.
To view Rick Case Automotive Group founder Rick Case’s video, click HERE.
ICYMI: WFLA: Gov. Scott and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn Fight for Florida Jobs
“Gov. Scott and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn Fight for Florida Jobs”
WFLA-TB (NBC) – Tampa Bay, FL
February 13, 2017
To view the clip, click HERE.
Gov. Scott Discusses Economic Impacts of EFI and VISIT FLORIDA with Panama City Community Members
Business, tourism and community leaders attended Governor Rick Scott’s Fighting for Florida Jobs Roundtable today in Panama City to discuss the local economic impact of VISIT FLORIDA and Enterprise Florida and the need to fight job killing legislation in the Florida House.
To view Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) President and CEO Carol Dover’s video, click HERE.
To view b-roll of the event and remarks by Governor Scott, click HERE.
ICYMI: WESH: VISIT FLORIDA vital to Hurricane Matthew economic recovery
“VISIT FLORIDA Vital to Hurricane Matthew Economic Recovery”
WESH-ORD (NBC) – Orlando, FL
February 13, 2017
To view the clip, click HERE.
ICYMI: WINK: Gov. Scott Holding Roundtables With Tourism, Business and Economic Development Leaders
“Gov. Scott Holding Roundtables With Tourism, Business and Economic Development Leaders”
WINK-FTM (CBS) – Fort Myers, FL
February 13, 2017
To view the clip, click HERE.
Senator Nelson will vote "no" on Health and Human Services nominee
Sen. Bill Nelson announced today that he will be voting against the nomination of Rep. Tom Price to head the Dept. of Health and Human Services.
“Seniors can’t take a chance on Congressman Price as their HHS secretary by virtue of what he’s already said and what his record is in the Congress,” Nelson said on the Senate floor this afternoon. “His plan would give seniors a fixed dollar amount – that’s the voucher – to buy insurance. That, most every economist would tell you, would mean higher monthly premiums. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, turning Medicare into a voucher program would cause seniors to pay 11% more out of their pocket. Is that what you want to do to our senior citizens? I don’t think so …
“The congressman also supports – get this – raising the Medicare eligibility age to 67 forcing seniors to wait for benefits they earned during their working years …
“Our country deserves an HHS secretary who will uphold those promises, not inflict deep cuts that alter the financial security Medicare provides Americans in their later years. And so for these reasons and others, sometime in this next 11 and a half hours when we vote, I’m going to vote no on this nominee. There’s too much at stake for our seniors to give this nominee the control over these programs.”
Here’s a link to watch the above excerpts of Nelson’s remarks: https://youtu.be/urgyVhug90w
ICYMI: First Coast News Jacksonville: “$1 billion in unclaimed property in Florida”
“$1 billion in unclaimed property in Florida”
First Coast News – Jacksonville, Fla.
February 8, 2017
To view the clip, click HERE.
ICYMI: Bay News: Gov. Scott is Fighting for Florida’s Job Creation Agencies
“Gov. Scott is Fighting for Florida’s Job Creation Agencies”
Bay News 9 – Tampa Bay, FL
February 8, 2017
To view the clip, click HERE.
Florida Economic Development and Tourism Leaders Fight to Save Florida Jobs
Florida economic development and tourism leaders, small business owners, and concerned Floridians from across the state traveled to Tallahassee today to speak or stand in opposition to Legislation in the Florida House that would kill Florida jobs by eliminating Enterprise Florida and VISIT FLORIDA.
WATCH: Roger Dow, US Travel Association
WATCH: Cathy Chambers, Florida Economic Development Council
WATCH: Jaret Davis, The Beacon Council
WATCH: Joe Mayer, Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast
WATCH: Laura DiBella, Nassau County Economic Development Board
WATCH: Bill Talbert, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau