Research infographic depicting donors by state for the Florida gubernatorial primaries. The bar graph describes donations from Florida, excluding self-loans and in-kind donations, categorized by candidate.
Gubernatorial Election
Research: Zip Code Mapping of Florida Donors for the Florida Gubernatorial Primaries
Research infographic depicting zip code mapping of Florida donors for the Florida gubernatorial primaries categorized by political affiliation and candidate.
Research: Monthly Donations for the Florida Gubernatorial Primaries
Research infographic describing the number of monthly donations for the Florida gubernatorial primaries categorized by political affiliation. Each line graph depicts the month with the highest number of donations for each candidate.
Research: Monetary and In-Kind Donations for the Florida Gubernatorial Primaries
Research infographic depicting total donations and average amount per donation for the Florida gubernatorial primaries. The second bar graph demonstrates the number of in-kind contributions, which is a kind of charitable giving where the goods and services themselves are given to the candidate rather than money.